Making It Better MN

This ad will be running in area newspapers for the next several weeks.
Photos courtesy of: Olmsted County Public Health
Photographer: Steve Niedorf
About Making it Better
The Making it Better campaign brings people together to discover, celebrate and share stories of
Minneapolis and Olmsted County residents who are working to make their communities healthier
by increasing access to healthy foods and physical activity opportunities. Making it Better is made
possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the
Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) community initiative. As part of this work, the
Minnesota Department of Health partnered with the City of Minneapolis Department of Health and
Family Support and Olmsted County Public Health to support community initiatives to promote
active living and healthy eating. For more information, visit

Check out the Making It Better MN site to see how this ad turned out.


Making It Better MN will be sending down the Modern Storytellers team again on Tuesday, January 24th to film a promotional video they are producing about some of the initiatives that are taking place around the state.

December 10th
Pictures from today's photo shoot.  Modern Story Tellers handled everything today, sending a team of about 8, along with a rep from the MN Dept of Health and Olmsted County Public Health.

Update:  November 19th
I met the Modern Story Tellers team today at the Y.  They liked the site so much that they decided immediately to use it.  They will be back on December 10th for the photo/video shoot and to record my story for the radio ads.  Sounds like the radio ads will air soon after that, with the radio, TV, and newspaper campaign starting early next year.

I will be meeting a team from Modern Story Tellers tomorrow to scout locations for the photo/video shoot for the Making It Better MN advertising.  We will be looking at the Rochester Area Family Y and Stewartville Middle School as possible locations.  We will be meeting again on December 10th to actually do the photo/video shoot and to record the interview for radio advertising.  The plan is for the advertising campaign to include radio, newspaper, and TV ads.

Update:  November 8th
More great news!  I found out tonight that I won the Making It Better MN Challenge with 765 "thumbs up"!  Because of this, Mr. Parry's Endurance Challenge will be a part of the Making It Better MN advertising campaign next spring.

October 24th
Please do me a favor and go to the following link at Making It Better MN and give  Mr. Parry's Endurance Challenge a "thumbs up" there for this contest.  The winner will be used for their advertising campaign next year.  Also, please pass this on to anyone you think will take the time to quickly vote.  It is my goal to encourage and inspire others to get out and be active. Thank you.

Update from November 4:
Great news!  I received an email this evening telling me that I won the Making It Better MN week 4 random drawing.  I had my choice of several prize packages, but decided to go with a $500 gift certificate to Gopher Sport, a PE equipment supplier.  I am giving it to the PE teacher at my school to spend on new equipment that they would not otherwise be able to get.

From the Making It Better MN website:

What is Making it Better?

Making It Better is a community initiative that brings people together to discover, share and celebrate stories that inspire healthy everyday choices for everyone. It’s an open forum anyone can participate in to learn how to help more people have greater access to healthier foods and new opportunities for physical activity.

Making simple changes to improve nutrition and increase physical activity is the best way to reach a healthy weight as individuals and prevent chronic health problems such as diabetes and heart disease across the broader population. Making It Better inspires changes in our communities that help make the healthy choice the easy choice.

Each of us can make a difference. Many people already are, launching and taking part in initiatives that help our communities become healthier places to live, work and go to school.