Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday, July 30th

Got out for a run all by myself after dark last night.  Only did about 5 miles, but it was very relaxing.  I ran when I felt like it and walked when I didn't.  Ran in the new shoes...more about those later.  Foot felt great - no plantar pain at all!

Most of my runs the last year and a half have been with others.  Although I really do enjoy the company, I thrive on the miles I run by myself.  I see the need for both of these in my life and when things get all "lop-sided" I feel like something is missing.  I enjoy the conversation and stories I get to hear when running with a partner, with my kids, or a group like the Stewie Striders.

Running with Abbi on the summit of Pikes Peak last month.

At the same time, I need to have time to myself when I can let my thoughts drift from one subject to another.  Other times, I find myself lost in the simple sounds of my breathing and footsteps on the ground.  This can go on for hours.  Getting lost in nothingness can happen for me during daytime or nighttime runs.  It is during these runs that I feel most refreshed and for at least a short time all the stresses of life don't seem to be as big.  The best part of this is the fact that this feeling of peace can last for hours.

So, what do you think?  Do you primarily run with others, alone, or a good mix of both and why?

Ran alone and with a group this evening.  Ran to the Williw Creek Reservoir to meet up with Jim Mason's Tuesday trail running group.  Did a couple of laps around the reservoir with them, then finished up the rest of my run into Rochester's south Target store.  Started out way too fast, then ran too slow, then was forced to walking, but the foot felt good again.  Another run that I would rather have suffered through alone, even though the company was great.  12 miles.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Run With Marshall Ulrich

I finally got a chance to run with one of my heroes, Marshall Ulrich.
Jim Parry
Don't set your limits.  Go out and find them.